Sunday, March 21, 2010


This subject is not easy to understand nor to study especially for me because I' am the product of no technology.Since I study it now I 'am able to know the proper way on how technology being used. As I go studying in lesson 1, I learn about what is the meaning of technology and its root word. I also know on how to use technology in our daily living.As I go further in lesson 2 I learn that there is advantage and disadvantage in using the technology.It must be curse or blessing in us but it depends on how we use it.In lesson 3, I learn about the roles of technology in us as a student and also as a future teacher.We must admit the fact that technology brings up the new generation into a better life.They can make our work easy and comfortable especially by the use of the computer.In lesson 4, it took about the cycle in teaching.Through the use of technology we can easily handle the behavior of a child.This systematic approach help in responding the eagerness and willingness of a child.By simple using the instructional materials which is presentable and interesting.Further from lesson 5, I learn about the use of cone of experience and its different kind.On how we apply it to our discussion.Through this, learners participate our lesson.In lesson 6, In order to have a smooth flow in our discussion, we must used these instructional materials in proper manner.It is important to us future teacher that when we start our discussion, we must prepare ourselves first and must follow by preparing our students and materials to the extent.In lesson 7, took about the help of our firsthand experiences in many activity especially teaching.We can use this one as our motivation or energizer.This experiences be actually done in delivering lesson.This direct purposeful experiences is the step to the higher plane.I also learn in this lesson about indirect purposeful experiences through knowing the situation in our surrounding.Another topic Ive learn in lesson 8 about Teaching with contrived experiences.This is all about how we use the substitute things in delivering our topic.Through the help of these, learners could easily understand our discussion and also they may be able to participate and appreciate the way we discuss.They may have pressure but at the same time, they had also pleasure especially when we apply games.In lesson 9, it tackles about Teaching with dramatized experience which has a great value in affecting in students learning ability.In this, I've learn that teachers image will change into a puppet one.We must also used this as our pleasurable motivation.Thus, this chapter tells about how important some paraphernalia in delivering our discussion in order to catch up learners attention and interest.I learn also in lesson 10, in Demonstration in teaching, that when we demonstrate our lesson, we should have the mastery of our subject matter.In delivering it we must have the eye to eye contact between the learners and the teachers.We also considered our voice inflection to be heard by the whole class.Another topic we had been discuss is about making the most of the Community Resources and Field Trips that is in lesson 11.This is all about the outreach program which we usually done in our school.I get in this lesson how valuable in helping people, I just thought it was done to gain award but I was wrong.And now I already know the reason why we help those in need.These can nurture our curiosity to build new experiences and a sense of wonder.In lesson 12 I had also learn about the uses of some instructional materials such as film video and tv.By the help of this materials students enable to understand the discussion made.They also listen in the teachers deliberation.Another topic is lesson 13, which took about the teaching with visual symbols.As I know learners will focus their attention in listening the discussion of the teachers when we had a complete things in teaching.And aside from that we can be able to interpret the learning ability in identifying the symbols we presented.Next lesson is 14, in this chapter we should use the projectors presence in order that our learners must have much interest in listening.They can easily understand our discussion through the help of visual symbols but much more when we have a projector.Instead of roaming around while we discuss, learners can caught their attention in only one direction because their curiosity tells them a lot to stay and focus to the teachers discussion.Had the disadvantage in boredom and lessen the effort of the teacher in delivering their lesson.The last topic we tackle is about the Project based learning and multimedia in lesson 15.From this chapter I learn about the seven keys dimension of project based multimedia, and its uses.On how it can be use in the proper way of delivering our subject matter.So through this subject and lessons I've studied, it shows the view point of reality which are actually do in our field.And this is for the rest of our lives because we all know that education is a continuous learning process.

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